How to book an appointment!
Appointments are booked in batches every few months
An announcment will be posted on our social media and on this website when books open.
Please choose which artist you would like to work with and send them an email.
A link to the Artists email will be active once their books are open
Emails received prior to or after the booking dates listed will NOT be considered.
To expedite a response please include answers to ALL questions listed below in the email you send to the artist you wish to work with.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for a reply.
1. Your idea for your tattoo or which posted available design you are interested in getting.
2. Size in approximate inches tall and wide.
3. Whether you desire color or black and grey.
4. Location on your body for the tattoo.
5. Any other tattoos we are working around. (Please Attach Pictures)
6. Any reference photos (knowing that we will not copy an exact image, but use it as a reference point of what you like visually in terms of style, coverage, etc.)
7. Any other pertinent information to your design. (i.e., reason for your tattoo even if just for fun)
8. Your phone number.
9. What days & times you are typically available.
Deposit Information and Cancellation Policy
To secure an appointment, a non-refundable deposit must be paid in person, over the phone, or via PayPal. There is a $100 deposit for a 1-3 hour tattoo, a $200 deposit for a 4-6 hour tattoo, and a $300 deposit for any tattoo 6+ hours. The deposit will be applied to the total price of the tattoo. Please provide us with 48 hours' notice if you need to reschedule, and you can move your appointment to another time without losing your deposit. If you do not reschedule your appointment within 30 days, you will forfeit your deposit. If you reschedule 2 times with the required 48-hour notice, you will be required to leave an additional $100 deposit to reschedule a third time.
Please DO NOT send your deposit until your appointment is confirmed by your artist.
We will begin scheduling clients interested in one of our custom designs posted on social media first. We always welcome you to send your design ideas as we still love being inspired by our clients!